Safe designer remote control by remote?

Is someone knows if it’s possible to access on the Remote Control (to acknowledge firmware for example), without safe designer ?
Maybe there is an option to enable a HTML page ? Or a software to install ONLY remote control ?
Thank you

Hi Kaourant,

If you use mappSafety, the safety program can be commissioned from a web page. You can also access the commissioning functions yourself with the SfDomain library.

However, with the older “Safety Release” system, I don’t think there is an alternative to the Remote Control in SafeDesigner.

The Library AsSafety allows to do so as well: safeRemoteControl(), although I can’t link it since it was removed from the online help already.
Just wanted to add this :slight_smile:

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AsSafety is still available in the AS4 Online Help, but requires application changes to implement, if it isn’t already deployed.
B&R Online Help - AsSafety library

If you would be looking at implementing it, I’d recommend the AsSafetyBasic Technology Solution. It has a built-in HMI via VC4 (typically accessed via VNC).
B&R Online Help - AsSafetyBasic TS

Note that other Legacy safety or “Safe Release” information has been archived in PDFs linked from the Safety section of the AS4 help.
B&R Online Help - Safety Release 1.10


[Edit: Grammer and clarity]

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How about implementation of mappSafety with library?

I know mappSafety can commission with web with mappView enable, but is there any light weight solution? With just automation runtime, basically there is no way to embedded a mappView page to HMI using VC4.

Thank you for your answers ! I will take a look !

That was me simply going by the pages in the Safety chapter, which obviopusly doesn’t link it. Thanks for the clarification, should have simply searched for it or looked in the known places (Programming->Libraries) ^^

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@Swee_Hoe Yes that is the SfDomain library I was referring to (I had forgotten about the AsSafety library so sorry about that!). You can commission mappSafety projects from code with this library, or make your own VC4 commissioning page if you’re feeling ambitious.