I have in a system a X20SLX542 Safety and an X20CP0411 PLC.
I did not found a hardware limit resources that excludes X20Cp0411 but I noticed that If i start the MappSafety i kill the plc (it gets in the service mode with memory violation). I tested the same software with an X20CP0484-1 PLC and The mappSafety web Page is opening without problems.
As a solution I am tiring to use Safety Releases but i am struggling in getting information about how to use it. I managed to set everything and to build a small app in SafeDesigner
The problem with CP0411 is that it lacks RAM to operate the mappSafety webpage as it only has 128MB instead of the required 256MB: AH || conditions to use mappSafety
What you can try is to disable the mappSafety HMI and then use SafeDesigner to commission the application. We did this in the past with X20CP0410 and this was possible when mappSafety HMI was deactivated.
This is what i get when using SafetyReleases instead of mapp safety. The safety object is on plc but somehow the app i think is not. And i can not go online form safeDesigner.
Looks like it is missing the application because it is not yet downloaded.
Remember to use Remote Control for that (NOT SafePLC dialog box because that won’t work until SLX is running correctly!)
Thank you! Yes, I completely forgot about Remote Control. I have the app on the plc now.
So to resume:
To make it functional with X20CP0411 and mappSafety I had to deactivate the WebServer, and the HMI Visualisation for Safety (because 0411 has 128MB instead of the required 256MB - thank you Jan Van-De-Wielle) .
After this I had to use Remote Control to download the app.