I am migrating the safety from SafeDesigner to MappSafety 5.24.2. I have in project some single signal inputs, not equivalent or antivalent. In SafeDesigner i can only choose for each pair of Safety inputs the option"Dual-channel processing mode" only to: Eqivalent or Antivalent. In SafeDesigner i had also an option to choose “none” for this option. How can i configure the inputs in sigle mode, that they will be green on input card. Thanks for any help
Hi Marcin and welcome!
You are using “SafeTwoChannelInput0506” (variable “SI_BOOL_EStop_HM” is mapped to it) therefore there must be a two channel evaluation to provide a proper value to this variable.
Hi Roman,
Thank you for your reply, my question is regarding to the Safeinputs06 and 07, there is connected a signal, that is informing about, if a detachable operating panel is attached. I use a single input, and for security level I don’t need a dual channel Evaluation of the signal, and this solution in company is working for several years with SF4.4.1.0. With new Safety version i cannot configure it for single input. Regards
Ah, sorry - I mixed up the channel numbers.
What I see from your screenshot you should be able to use channels 07 and 08 independently and channels 05+06 are combined in Equivalent evaluation.
If the LED of channel 07 or 08 is red then there might be some other problem. There should be a logger entry…
Hi, thanks for replying:), yes, now SI07 and SI08 are blinking red, because they are independent, and i cannot configure they as independent inputs in SF5.24.2. BR
How can I configure the inputs in single mode?
To do this, as Roman said, map the variable to the single input (i.e. SafeDigitalInput07) as opposed to the dual channel input (i.e. SafeTwoChannelInput0708). The single input datapoint will turn on if the input is receiving current. The dual input datapoint will turn on if both inputs receive current at the same time.
Keep in mind that after changing the input configuration you will have to recommission the safety program!
now SI07 and SI08 are blinking red, because they are independent
Can you please share a screenshot of your logger, or other information that lead you to this conclusion? I think there is probably something else going on that is causing the red LEDs.
Hello Markus,
Thank you for your reply, with the reply i checked, that my problem was a wrong pulse configuration for inputs, therefore it was blinking red. Now I see, that with antivalent dual channel configuration the led doesn’t lit red, only the SafeTwoChannelInput stays FALSE. Thanks for your support, have a nice day
Best regards