Safety mat with B&R safety

Hi the community,

Has anyone used a safety mat with B&R safety input modul ?

Thanks for your help,

Hi there,

I am assuming anyone coming in and answering “yes” won’t answer your actual question - so why don’t you ask the follow-up one already? That way people can chime in any time and reply to whatever you want to know.
(Assuming your target isn’t to make a statistic :wink: )

Best regards

hi Michael,

I am not testing or making a statistic. I have a question for a particular use of the B&R safety and I am asking the help of the community.

I have a machine with a safety mat and i cannot find any wiring examples in the B&R manual. Nor in SafeDESIGNER any function for this.
The safety mat creates a short circuit and the safety inputs modules detects it. The test pulse outputs used cannot be reused for other safety inputs.

Q1 : Can I wire my safety mat on the B&R safety module ?
Q2 : If Yes, what function do you suggest to use in SafeDESIGNER ?
Q3 : If Yes, what module do you advise to use ?

Thanks for replies,

I think it’s very much depending on the safety mat.
Unfortunately I don’t have knowledge about safety mats but the easiest would be if it behaves like an emergency stop: open the short circuit as soon as someone steps on it.
Then you would be able to connect it like an emergency stop (if its electrical specifications match).