I think you would need to import and install your certificate to browser. Certificates can be imported to the T50 panel by setting up network sharing for internal user memory “usershare”, creating a directory called “cert” in the internal user memory, and copying the user-defined certificates (with permissible file extensions for certificates: “.cer” or “.crt”) into the directory “cert”. Each time the browser is started, all certificates are imported from the directory “cert”. B&R Online Help
The certificate displays as not trusted because the certificate authority(CA) that generates the certificates is not on the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” of the web browser that is used on T50.
The certificate was generated from Automation Studio.
Is my assumption correct or i miss something?
How can i make the certificate trusted?
There is an option on the HMI to “Ignore server certificate errors” but i want to avoid using it.
“Server’s certificate is not yed valid.” is most likely caused by the PLC time not being correct.
So you most likely have generated the certificate to be valid from XX.XX.2024, but the PLC clock might be something in XX.XX.2000, which is why the certificate is not yet valid.
When using certificates it is important that all clocks in the system are correct.
The certificate i uploaded to “cert” folder is in “.cer” format, an exact copy of the one that i have on the “OwnedCertificates” folder of Automation Studio.