Hello community,
I have a machine with a motor toque 8LTA97.D0003F600-0. This motor haven’t reduction. On his axis, we have different “turret”, these turrets are different weight and inertia …
I didn’t find a common regulation kv (Position and speed) for all turret …
I used too, the servo loop optimizer. With this tool, I can determine automatically the isq_filter1/2/3 (notch). And with this I have a perfect regulation…
My idea is to program a learning sequence for the kv position, kv speed and isq_filter1/2/3 (notch). Not manually with the servo loop optimizer, but automatically with a software sequence …
My question is, with the ACP10 librairy is it possible to do a learning sequence for these parameters and determine these parameters ?
Thanks a lot, and if you have any other suggestion i’m happy to read you.