Hi community, Now i tried to Autotune one servo in mappcockpit, but it is showing error
*-1067317248-Autotuning Speed control failed.
*-1067317245-FB cannot be used in current state.
I’m not a motion specialist, but have you set the needed movement parameters for executing autotuning? Additionally, please check also the motion logger for more details.
Here in the online help you can find a step by step guide.
Best regards!
Seems like the axis is probably switched on? The auto tuning can only be started when the axis is disabled. The axis should be ready to power on (Enable), but switched off. The only thing you really need to set for e.g. speed / position controller tuning is the max. position error.
Also feel free to check out this great tutorial from @michael.bertsch
Best regards!
@krausertm thanks for the good hints. I can only add a link+picture of the Functionblock Help. Just in case you will need some description for the parameters.
Thank you for your quick answers…