Error state -1067243519: The FB cannot be used in the current state ({1})

I am trying to do simulation with mappCockpit and this error is being shown. I guess the problem is somewhere how I defind axis, but I cannot find where. Has anyone encountered this problem?

Have you checked the AS logger by chance? There you should get more details especially which function block, which axis and which state it’s complaining about.

This could have multiple reasons, the simplest one being trying to give a move command without the axis being powered or the configuration not correct for the axis to be used in simulation, like a missing library.

This axis state diagram may help as well

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\I took a look, and loger has problem with g4AxDeltaA, but I cannot find the problem. I was trying to follow the "Getting started with Delta4 (A)

Very good, that provides us with some clues!

Two things stand out:

  • the AxesGroup configuration is invalid therefore you can’t give it any commands
  • the other entry states a “Feature is not defined” and that could mean a number of things

The “Getting Started” is a pretty basic and if you have Codian template files it would import everything for including the drives so you may just be missing a step.

However check the AxesGroupFeatures compared to the features assigned in the AxesGroup.

Not all the features you see in my screenshot are necessary for you but check what you may be missing.

For example it’s possible that you have the dynamic model configured in the MechSys but no FeedForward feature.

I got rid of one error, but one still remains (logger time 17:23). I think the problem might be the Frame hiearchy, but I am not 100% sure about that, the g4AxDeltaA should be the set up the same way.

Click the Axes group features assignments in the MechSys (image 3) and check which names pop up. It looks like the names of the features are incorrect.

On the left hand side in Config_9 you can see “…Programs_1” and “…Jogging_1” but assigned are features without “_1”

You can also ignore the FrameHierarchy for now. It’s not necessary to move the robot it’s just defining where your TCP is located compare to the baseplate.

I did correct that, but still the error is there

Hi @jan.wolf

Now you’ve assigned the same feature twice. Please correct this and see if you still encounter the same issue since I’m not entirely sure if this is a problem.


Yes, thank you it seems that was the case. I somehow missed that or I did not confirm the change for FrameHiearchy. Thanks to this, mappCockpit is working and it is “moving” in there (numbers for position are changing), but my Scene Viewer model is not moving. I looked if it is enabled in opcUA, but it seems it is enabled and it should be binded inside the Scene Viewer. Did I miss something that still has to be done ?

Try converting them from LREAL to REAL first via extra variables or a structure and use those REAL values. Does it work in that case?

@jan.van-de-wielle You beat me to it… :smile: :+1:

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Another option would be to have the scene auto generated, it’s then using the same interface variables mappCockpit uses.

Check the help section for ObjectHierarchy. You simply need to define a file device and place your robot aka AxesGroup inside the ObjectHierarchy and a scene is generated automatically. Just be aware that anything you modify is overwritten every time you restart the PLC.

This auto generation feature is absolutely essential once you start working with Tracking / MpPick or any other Frames.

As bonus feature you can select the actual fully rendered robot model instead of the generic version.

You can also use the mappCockpit interface directly, the ID would be the following


DIAG is the namespace for mappCockpit and the NodeID the name for your axes group + JACSPosition0, JACSPosition1 etc.

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I am still new to Automation Studio and this kind of programming as well and I am basicly exploring “uncharted waters”. I am not really sure how to change it to Real and I tried generating the Scene, but I also failed with that. Inside the Object Hiearchy, I put in the path into a folder where I wanted a scene viewer file to be generated, also tried to path it to empty .scn file, but it also did not work after I tried to match what waas shown in the help.

Also I am not sure if my simulation is not moving because I made the frames wrong in the file or scene viewer, so I am sending info about those as well if the problem is not in there.

That’s good to know and I would have given more instructions would I have known that earlier.

In order to use the File Device you need to create one in the PLC configuration first.
So under File devices in the PLC configuration create a new file device with some name but that same name is used under the Scene Viewer/File device in the ObjectHierarchy.

Now the path is a bit different depending if you are using AS4 or AS6. In AS4 you can enter a path like you did in your screenshot because C:\ is your laptops hard drive.
In AS6 that’s no longer possible since ARsim is contained to the Simulation folder and C:\ would be the same system partition you would find on a real system.

USER_PATH in this example, always points to the User Partition regardless if you are using ARsim or a real target. Again slightly different between AS4 and AS6 but I would recommend using USER_PATH which would then create the scene under your project folder structure. In my example that would be (if you stick with USER_PATH it’s the same in AS4)


You can also use the default USER file device, in that case just use USER as your file devcie name under the ObjectHierarchy.

It’s also explained in the current Getting Started for MpPick

I hope this helps and doesn’t create even more confusion. You certainly picked a topic to start you B&R career that can get pretty complex pretty quick.

Thank you, it is working! I am using version for AS and Scene Viewer 6, but it does not have issues.
Now that this file is created, does that mean I can add Objects to the simulation like table in Scene Viewer, or do I need to define all of that in the AS like Frame Hiearchy since I will also be making Tools and Workspace there and it would get overwritten ?

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You can add objects to the auto generated scene but as mentioned before the scene is generated with every boot cycle.
Depending on the features you are using in mappMotion the auto scene generation can also include additional objects like Workspace.

When I need to modify/add to a scene I just save it under a new name. Usually that works quite well since you have the core scene configure and it won’t change much.

If there are changes to the scene it’s simple enough to update the customized scene for example when you change frame positions.