Transponder key - 5E9000.29 (125kHz) in AS 4.12


I have a problem that Transponder key reader is not functioning on 5AP920.1505-01 unit.

In old program that had AS version 4.2 and runtime version of E4.26 it was working.


Now I’ve converted the program to AS 4.12 runtime version of D4.83 the program code gets error 32900 - USB device not found.


Have tried with diferent 5DLSDL.1000-01 versions and also last versions of these three modules but still not working.


Is the reading of transponder key 5E9000.29 (125kHz) not supported?
Did anyone have similar issues?

Hi, how do you access it? Do you use AsUSB library? there is sample available B&R Online Help

Yes I’m using this exact sample for 125 kHz Transponder key.
It was functioning in previous Runtime version but now it’s not.

I’m not aware of any limitation. So should work with AS4.12 as well. can you try to create new project only with hw configuration, import sample and check it again?

matic any update? how did you solve it?


The situation is that I tested the same program on same hardware in the office and the RFID is working normally.
I uploaded the exact same program to the APC 2100 and connected AP920 and the RFID is responding.

So it is still unclear to me why is it not working at the customer.
When I’ll have the chance I will revert back to old versions of runtime at the customer to see if RFID is even is working.

ok I marked your answer as a solution, if you find anything new at customer, please keep us inform :slight_smile:

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