User List: complete export with attibutes

I’m working on an application where I need to export the entire user list along with all associated attributes (username, full name, language, measurement units, email, etc.). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a built-in FB that allows me to do this easily and directly.

Could someone kindly let me know if there is an integrated functionality that allows this operation or, alternatively, suggest an effective method to obtain this data? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much for your help.

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I think we’re talking about mpUserX with underlying user/role system of AR, am I right?

To be honest, I’m not sure if there’s one function doing the complete job, but I don’t think so.

I’ve never tried, but maybe it could be managed by the combination of exporting the user / role configuration with ArUser library function ArUserExportEx and exporting the mpUserX configuration with mpComConfigManager?

Best regards!

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Hi Alexander,

I had already tested the ArUserExportEx library function.
This function exports the user list and, for each user, their roles.
I need to export the Additional Data.

Best regards

Hi Donatella,

ok. This additional data your screenshot shows is part of the mpUserX configuration, or?
I’m asking because as I understood the whole user / role / right / property topic is:

  • the user / role / rights are part of the Automation Runtime integrated RBAC system, which can be exported with ArUser.
  • mappUserX operates “on top” of the RBAC settings - the data of the mpUserX configuration isn’t stored in the RBAC system itself, but in the mappUserX configuration.
    • a mapp Component configuration should be exportable with the mpComConfigManager function block from the mpCom library … at least as I understood it from help (I’ve never tried to be honest).

So I assumed, if you want to have a “full export”, you have to use both export functions ArUserExportEx (for the RBAC user / role / rights existing on the PLC) and mpComConfigManager (for the additional data configured in mappUserX, which is linked to a RBAC user)?

Best regards!

Thank you, Alexander, for your prompt response.

I immediately ran the test with MpComConfigManager. This function block allows exporting mapp configurations. I was unable to connect MpLink with my mpuserx file as it returned an error.


I found that it is possible to export all the information using MpUserXManagerUI; indeed, MpUserXMgrUIConnectType has a section dedicated to exporting. I tested it, and everything works correctly.


Thank you very much for your cooperation and help!