AS4.12 - mappView similation Connection to configured OPC UA server failed

Hello everyone,

I’m new to mappView and try to simulate an example project from the help.
In Chrome browser I first get the error: HTTP Error 404 The requested resource is not found.
I then changed the port 81 to 85 and then I could reach it through: or
But I get then this message : try to establish server connection…

And I found in the logger this error:
Connection to configured OPC UA server (serverAlias: “”) failed. Status: BadServiceUnsupported

Hereby the settings that I made:

What does this error mean?


during startup mapp View will connect to the local OPC-UA server. This message means, that mapp View was not able to establish a connection. Most likely you have not enabled the OPC-UA server … check in the OPC-UA setting, if the OPC-UA server is activated!


Hi Christian,

Thank you for your answer. In the screenshots you can see that the OPC UA is activated.
If I still have to activated it elsewhere can you please tell where to?

Kind regards.

hmmm. The default configuration is to connect to OPC-UA at IP and Port 4840, using “anonymous token”. Do you have any error messages in the logger (section “connectivity”) ?

Is it possible that you have more than one OPC UA server running on your laptop? What will happen if you change the default OPC UA server port to e.g. 4844 and adapt the mappView server connection accordingly using the remoteConnection configuration file?

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Hi Christian,

Thank you for your answer.
I see in the section connectivity error :
Error booting the OPC UA server.

In the help file they advice this:

I have change the port number 4840 to 4848 and now I don’t have the error: Error booting the OPC UA server anymore.

But the error: Connection to configured OPC UA server (serverAlias: “”) failed. Status: BadServiceUnsupported, is still there.

Other suggestions?

Hi Jaroslav,

Thank you for your answer.
I have change the OPC UA server port to 4848 but how to adapt the mappView server connection using the remoteConnection configuration file?

You have to add configuration file for that and change default configuration to OPCUA server based on your project.

it is described here.

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Hi Jaroslav,

Thank you for your mail.
I have added the OPC UA Server Configuration like you mentioned and changed the Port Number to 4848 and now it works like it should.

To summarize what I did to solve this problem:
1-In Mapp View Configuration changed the HTTP Port Number 81 to 85
2-In PC Configuration under OPC UA System Network Settings Port Number 4840 to 4848
3-In Configuration View under mappView Added the OPC UA Server Configuration and changed the Port Number 4840 to 4848.

Thank you all for your help.

Kind regards.

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