Hello teams,
Please I need your support to solve the second issue for another APC 910.
2. Second APC 910:
- Problem 02: ONLY the POWER LED in GREEN (stable) = voltage supply OK but the PC also didn’t running (screen still black) and also the HDD led still OFF.
Please any work around can solve the situation of my APC 910.
Thanks’ in advance.
In general, a DVI monitor could stay blank after powering on a device because of BIOS settings (e.g. if the APC has additionally a SDL4 display output, and the BIOS is set to use that interface only), but it’s also possible that the system “stucks” after power-on in the POST (Power On Self Test) because of a hardware failure or an unvalid firmware (for example after a broken firmware update).
So I only can recommend the same like in the other thread: please try first to remove all devices that are plugged into the system (CFast, PCI cards) and check if something changes to get more details about the possible cause.
If nothing changes, please contact your local B&R support team.
Just out of interest: what Operating Systems are used on the APCs? GPOS Systems (Windows, Linux) or Automation Runtime embedded?
Best regards!
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Hello Dear Alexander,
Thank’s for your time and for all this interessant input,really I apreciate your support.
Please note that for in the beginner, the APC It’s working fine (becuae it’s new ), after we put a Windows image from another APC (same reference) as a backup, and we face an issue with Arwin startup software, but the APC can run normally.
Based on this situation, for define the reason why the Arwin startup didn’t work, we try to put another HDD on this APC (this HDD is the source of the image installed in this APC), and we remark that the APC can’t run (starting point of the issue) he keep only the green LED power, and once we put again the original HDD, the status is still the same that means once we move to unplug the original HDD, the problem started.
Note: this is a new controller and not yet used in production, because it was planned as an APC backup but you see the actual situation.
APC using and configuration: Windows/Arwin startup.
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Hello, please provide the AR010log.txt file

ARwin is a rather old AR system which is deeply installed into Windows. Switching hardware means that the initial installation ow ARwin will most likely no longer be able to boot.

This indicates that the new APC is not the same model as the old one
best regards
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Hello teams,
I want to share with you the last update regarding the issue detected on my APC.
- Unplug all devices connected.
- Unplug the battery.
- Keep the APC without power.
- Put the SDD that contains the original windows and our ACCS program.
- Switch on the power again.
- Startup. nsh window poped, and we chose the SDD config from bios.
- APC returned to normal status and the problem was solved.
Dear @oliver.doberer , Please note that we try now to redo the Windows image setup for the other APC with the same configuration, and we will check the result. Once this task is finished, I will share with you the result.
Thank’s you team for your support