Automation Studio Target for Simulink License Error

Hi there,

I am trying to activate Automation Studio Target for Simulink with a 90-day evaluation license key (waiting to receive the professional license on a dungle), but I am getting the following error message: “The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send”.

See image below:

I am currently using Matlab R2023a.

Has anyone come across such error? And found a way to solve it?

Kind regards,

Hi Jeremie,

This error could be related to this topic: Insecure Communication Channel - Announcements - B&R Community (

Which Automation Studio version and Technology guarding versions are you using? If you are using versions here mentioned this could be the problem:

Hi Xabier,

Thank you for your quick answer.

The version of Technology Guarding was indeed < 1.4.0, but even after updating it to the problem persists. I am currently using AS 4.12.

I have tried to restart my computer after updating Technology Guarding, but no luck there.

Do you have any idea what else it could be?

Kind regards,

Hi again Jeremie,

Can you try to do the procedure from Technology Guarding instead from Automation Studio? Open it from your Windows application list and follow the procedure:

1- Select the dongle
2- Insert license key (format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX)
3- Click on “Activate license online”

Hope this works :slight_smile:

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Hi Xabier,

Thank you very much for the help.
That procedure worked for me and I am now able to Automation Studio for Simulink Target.

Thanks again,

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