Can a external bleeder be configured and only optionally be connected?

Hi there

We have installed many rotating storage systems on our systems. So far we haven’t had any problems with these. Recently a customer loaded the storage system with a lot of weight which resulted in a DC bus overvoltage when stopping. Now to the question: Can you optionally parameterize an external braking resistor but not attach one to certain systems? Can this lead to unwanted errors?

Thanks for any feedback


You have the PAR ID 398
B&R Online Help (

Hi Marcos

Yes, I know that the ParId 398 is used to change between internal and external bleeder. But our drive currently has no internal bleeder and I would like to add those parameter settings to our standard platform software.

So all machines in the field would also get this update occasionally. Only a couple will have an external bleeder mounted.

Do you think this is possible without any software changes?

Cheers Patrick

I am not familiar with the topic of a Bleeder, but i would expect that the ACOPOS could have a supervision similar to the Brake-Output, which alerts if a currentflow is expected and non is active, but i don’t know.

I would not expect an potential of Destroying the ACOPOS, it should be build to also handle an defect on the Resistor, which could result in an absence of the function of the Resistor.

As it could not be the last coustomer spezific Setting of your Machine, you might consider to add a Machine-Parameter Handling to the software to handle such Parameters.


Hi Michael

Thanks for your thoughts. This will not be the last customer-specific setting, but i’d rather not add a setting to the configuration, that is already addressed/solved by the hardware or software of B&R anyway to protect the operator from a settings jungle ;-).

So if you don’t know how an Acopos drive handles a configured but not plugged external brake resistor, I will need to test this in the Field.

Cheers Patrick

To prevent a Jungle is a good point. :slight_smile:

I may add this Information from the Help, which only lists ACOPOSmulti PowerSupply modules in having a Current-Monitoring.

lets hope a more educated Person will come across, but i think its a rare use-case.
If you have problems with testing you can refer to the standard B&R support, as it is a clear question. The community is more suitable for brainstorming.


I’m pretty sure it won’t be possible without software changes. One could think of some kind of automatic test to identify if a external bleeder is present for an auto-configuration feature in your software, if you don’t want it as a machine parameter. But that’s also something that needs implementation :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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Thanks for your thoughts on the topic :+1:t2:

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