Hello, I intend to have the topology shown in the image (which builds in AS OK) where I have an X20SLX811 with Safe I/O distributed across different modules via X20BC0083.
The examples I have seen for this all use X20SL81XX so I would like to confirm:
- Is this feature is still possible with X20SLX?
I have seen that the maximum number of recommended nodes for the SLX is 5 (and the maximum you can have under the free Starter license is 5).
Does the node that is connected to the SLX count as 1 node? So I can have the SLX and 4 others? Or is it the SLX as the domain then 5 other nodes?
If I had 7 nodes then the recommendation would be to swap the SLX and BC0083 for X20SL8101 and I would also need 1TCMPSAFETY.10-01?
Multiple domains are only needed if the different modules need to react independently of each other? For example if I open the guard door on 1 module, this module shuts down but the other 4 continue as normal.
Thanks in advance!