Error -1067317248 and -1067448316

Hello, I am getting an error when trying to drive a servo. When I give the servo enable true and power true, it locks itself, but when I try to drive it with jog mode, it cannot drive and I get an error. Errors I looked at in the logger
-1067317248 and -1067448316
What is the reason? When I looked at the help I couldn’t quite understand it.


Error -1067317248 just says that a command failed.

Error -1067448316 gives the detailed reason in the logger entry.

-1067448316: Value ‘{2}’ for {1} is invalid. Valid range is from {3} to {4}.

2 … value used that is incorrect
1 … the parameter name the incorrect value was used for
3 … minimum allowed value
4 … maximum allowed value

Dear Martin Schrott, when I looked at the diary entry, I did not see any explanation in the description. Where could I have used the wrong value or where could I have made a mistake in setting the max-min value?

For example a value on a function block input is greater than the limit set for this axis.

Please save the logger file and post it here, so we can help more effectively.

Thank you. I looked where you said, you are right. Thanks