Is there any way to get Automation Runtime from running CPU (in its memory) to transfer to the other CPU. I can not find out the location of Automation Runtime file of running CPU. Because sometimes the program was made by old version of Automation Studio and Automation Runtime that we do not have.
Thanks for response. Actuall, I am asking the CPU that has internal ROM memory like SG3 CPU, SGC CPU. They don’t have external memory like CF card.
I’ve checked for both internal and external memory, there is not file for AUTOMATION RUNTIME.
So, my question like this. I have one CPU CP474 with Automation Runtime V2.00 running. As I know that it was created by PG2000, very old system. And of course I do not have this Automation Runtime in my laptop. I would like to get Automation Runtime V2.00 from running CPU CP474 to the other one. Is it possible with Automation Studio, Runtime Utility Center,…?