Automation Runtime version V2.00

Hi experts,

I’m looking for the Automation Runtime version V2.00. It is quite old and I can not find it down with AS2.40 and above. Could you please help me on this and help me to clarify what version of Automation Studio work with this Automation Runtime. Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you.


I’m looking for the Automation Runtime V2.00 of CP474. It is quite strange because I saw that AR V2.00 only work with X20CP0291, 0292.


I can’t swear to be honest …
… but as I remember, V2.00 for SG3 systems (like CP474 from the system family 2003) was already existing before Automation Studio was released.
So maybe that’s the reason why you haven’t found it somewhere in Automation Studio, because it was already used with PG2000 (which was the DOS-based programming environment before Automation Studio was released)?
What I was able to check is, that even with Automation Studio 2.0 already a version V2.25 was delivered for use with SG3 systems.

And yes, there was a V2.00 for SGC systems (X20CP029x) which came up some years later (somewhen around AS 2.5 or 2.6 I think), but as you mentioned, this was a different runtime incompatible with SG3.

Best regards!

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for your prompt response. Good day!

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