Guide: Work with mapp Cockpit

This Article gives an overview over the Main-Features of mapp Cockpit.
I adapted it from an PowerPoint which i used once for an Training of my Colleges, i hope it can also help you to self-studi or use it to present it to your colleges.


  • Reference to the Automation Studio Help
  • Integration to Automation Studio
  • Control of mapp Components
  • Create and analyse of Traces
  • DriveLog
  • Automation Studio Logger

1. Reference to the Automation Studio Help

In the Automation Studio Help there is all nessasary detail information about this tool. Be curious and learn more.

mapp Cockpit - Automation Studio Help

2. Integration to Automation Studio

To inclued the mapp Cockpit to your PLC Project there is only one configuration File needed to activate the functionality.

To access the mapp Cockpit with your Browser you can use the direkt link via the Menu “Tool”.

Preview of the Landing Page of mapp Cockpit


If you used the Role “Everyone” there is no need to use the login. If another Role was selected you have the possibility to use the Login on the upper right of the window.

3. Control of mapp Components

In this Section of the mapp Cockpit you can select a supported mapp Component which is active on the PLC. With the “Common” - Window you can Dispatch Commands and see some Status data.

Since Version 5.21 the list of mapp Components is alphabeticaly sorted.


Since Version 5.20 you can make an easy copy of the IDs to the clipboard

Since Version 5.17 you can use the “Edit”-Button in the upper right of the Configuration Window to Edit several Parameters an then activate them at once.

Persist the Parameters via the Save-Button an (optionaly) upload them to Automation Studio.

To close some of your opened windows you can use the Button on the top right.

The mapp Cockpit also consideres the differences in the implementation of a mapp Component - For example a mapp Axis can be of “mcAcpAx”, “mcStpAx”, “mcDS402Ax” , “Shuttle” , “Group” , … So be aware that the “Common” - Window may look different for different Components.

Example: mcStpAx Axis with less Commands (no Autotuning compared to mcAcpAx)

Exampe: for Acopos Trak you may need some additional Configuration

4. Create and Analyse of Traces

In this Section of mapp Cockpit you can Configure and Analyse Traces.

In the “Configuration” - Window you can Configure your Trace.

  • You can use up to 32-Datapoints. (Local or global process variables (PVs); ParIDs on ACOPOS drives)
  • Since Mapp 5.23 Pointers are supported as Datapoints in Trace an will show their Value.
  • With the Save-Button you can Persist your Configuration to the CF-Card of the PLC
  • With the Export- and Import-Button you can use an External Device to Store your Configurations or Mail them to a Coustomer for use on site.

AS-Help: Description of Datapoint Syntax

AS-Help: Description of Motion Datapoint Syntax

A typical Axis trace Configuration can look like this:
Suggested Datapoints

Suggested Trigger - Start of Movement (SetVelocity <> 0)

Table to predict Runtime of Trace by ParID Count

In the “Analyse” - Window you can Analyse your Trace.

  • You can use up to 4 Charts (YT, XY, FFT)
  • Each YT-Chart can optionaly have two Y-Axis
  • You can add Datapoints to Charts by Drag and Drop

Recent and Referenz Signals

Cursors und Filter
There are two Cursors supported. Via the Filter icon you can add additional Information.

Usage of XY-Chart via Drag&Drop or Algorithm

Configure the Algorithm via the “Edit”-View of the Datapoint - Section

Example: X: Sin Wave & Y: Cos Wave → XY Circle

Different posibilities for Im-/Export of Data

Hint for Chrome Users - Setting of Download Directory

Delete Cache to Reset Analyse Tab of mapp Cockpit
The “Analyse” - Window was persisted to the Browser Cache since Version 5.14

Usage of Algorithms to create new Datapoints

Example: TimeShift
Analysis of an LagError of an StepperModule

  • blue - original Traced Datapoint
  • orange - calculed LagError with timeshifted PositionData
    => Result most of the displayed error was generated to inapropriate time compensation of position data

Example: Integration
DeltaStep comparison to Pctrl_SetPos



Example: Bitmaskierung und Normierung auf 0…1
& Operator fĂĽr Bitweises UND
Division zur Normierung

2^0 = 1 für Bit 0 wird die 1 benötigt
2^1 = 2 für Bit 1 wird die 2 benötigt

You can find additional Information and more Examples in AS-Help
AS-Help: Examples for Mathematic Expressions

Useage of Servo Loop Optimizer (SLO) with mapp Motion and mapp Cockpit
AS-Help: Trace for SLO

Example: Speed Controller
Trace Configuration for Speed-Controller with SignalOrder “9” and Type “PRPS” and Mode “Standard”

Example Data:

Export via “Seclected Signals as .csv”

Example: Position Controller
Trace Configuration for Position-Controller with SignalOrder “9” and Type “PRPS” and Mode “Standard”

Example Data:

Export via “Seclected Signals as .csv”

Use an Automation Studio Projekt with ACP10 Axis in HW-Tree and open the Servo Loop Optimizer

Use the Data from the Speed-Controller Tuning

Use the Data from the Position-Controller Tuning

5. Drive Log

The Drive Log is the successor of the Network Command Trace (NWCT). And fullfills the same purpuse. In addition to the data on the powerlink it also contains data of axis objects which are located on the plc (pureVx, mcStpAx, …)

  • The Data can by uploaded from the PLC and send via Mail to the Support for additional Analysis.

6. Automation Studio Logger

The Message Output on the bottom of the mapp Cockpit shows Data which is also stored in the Automation Studio Logger. Older Entrys can be read via the Logger as it allows a much greater view in the past.

  • Trace → Diagnostics and Commissioning
  • Motion → Motion