Hardware Analyzer: X20DC1073 Potentialgroup Error


can someone tell me why the hardware analyzer throws the error (see below)? I put 3 coated power modules for each 1073 card. Same error occurs when i use the non coated ones. What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance!


Am I the only one who can not see details of error? :slight_smile:

Hi there,

while I don’t really get why the error happens (the screenshot is also very small and hard to make out), but those 3 DC modules should work without additional PS modules? Maybe removing them already does the trick, otherwise please export the project (from AS! Skip Diagnosis/Temp/Binaries) and share it with us so we can have a closer look. (we also don’t need any of the tasks, of course)


Hi @dominik.lehnberg, what is the status of your topic? if you need help, please provide info we asked you for :wink: have a nice day.

Hi Michael,

i already tried to remove all of the PS modules. Same Errors… but for all of the 1073 cards. Unfortunately it is not really possible to upload the project. What files do you need exactly?

I wanted the “empty” project so I can try it with my own AS and see if I can make out the issue. The export could skip anything from the logical view, too (forgot to mention it), sharing the physical view and a basically “empty” (please note that only the folder “Physical” from the explorer does not suffice to get me a working project) Logical view.

You can also create a new project, copy your hardware over and export that project. Maybe even minimizing the config there down to the point it stops failing? And if it fails even with everything else removed, that’s what you can share - YOUR project with the 3 DC modules (I have made one myself and that doesn’t fail, so there must be a difference) without anything of your own intellectual property, basically. (boiling down to your physical view with the least amount of modules making it still fail)

Hope I could make myself clearer
Best regards

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Hi, thanks for the clarification. I build a new HW Config from scratch with just the 3 1073 Modules on the X2X bus. Same errors.

Yes! And now go to File->Save project as zip and choose “Manual selection” and select the physical view only and share it with us :wink:

Unfortunately the file size is to large to upload :frowning:

I have a project. I have 3 DC modules inside. I export it using File->Save project as zip (note that zipping a project manually will NOT result in the same output!). I choose “manual selection”. On the next page I choose to include NO upgrades and on the next page I do NOT save diagnostic or any other data

Clicking through the rest of the dialog, choosing basically nothing but the bare minimum (no custom libraries, no second configurations, really nothing but the config we are talking about).
Once saved, that resulting zip file has 92kb here.

dcmodule.zip (91.3 KB)

What are you doing differently having it result in a “too large” upload? how much is too large?

Hi Martin,

thanks for the explanation. I hope the exported file contains everything you need.

test.zip (3.0 KB)


The problem is that your first X20BM module is not a X20BM11 or X20BM15 but a X20BM05. The X20DC1073 requires one of those first modules and doesn’t work with X20BM01 or X20BM05. You can see the accessory modules via the button in the screenshot below:

Replacing the BM05 with X20BM15 or X20BM11 should do the trick.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you very much! Worked :slight_smile:

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