We are upgrading program from 2.7 to AS3.81 , we have removed the library errors and rebuild it without error … We tried to download the program and we are getting error PVI Error 4063: Default error (_DownloadModule)
In help it does not state anything. We tried adding Warm restart before the step where we get this error but we got same error…
Hi, what hw do you have? Can you generate CF card? if not, then you can try to change runtime version or disable all hw and sw component and enable them one by one…to figure out what is the cause of your issue.
Hello Jaroslav,
Thank you for the reply, we are using
PLC: CP00292
HMI: 4B1260.00-K07
I guess it is CP0292, right?
in this case please follow my second suggestions, disable all hw and sw components, keep only CPU, download…and then enable component by component to figure out cause of your issue.
I have checked that the and come to conclusion that AsSGCIOa library that is causing this error
This library can only be used on SGC target systems with AR < 2.00. AsSGCIO
Starting with AR V2.00, this library is no longer supported, since operation of inputs and outputs is integrated in Automation Studio
Hello Jaroslov,
Thank you for the update… What could be the way around to do this?
as it is mentioned in AS Help, you have to remove library and operate inputs and outputs in AS.
Thank you so much for the help