APC 910. Online connection

New to Automation Studio. We have APC 910 and X20CP1585 connected from eth1 port.
WAN is connected to eth2 trough one switch.
I found APC 910 (Or I think i did) with Advanced Network scanner. (Mac address says what reads on side of APC 910 eth2 port). Ping works.
Can i read hardware trough online connection?
I readed and watched couple of videos of that, but i cant find device with “Online settings”–>“Browse”.

Any tips?

Depending on how the PLC was set up, SNMP might not be enabled and thus you can not find it using the “Browse” dialog. You need to know the IP and add a connecting using it manually

I know the devices IP address. Can’t figure out how to connect though…

This of course only works for the ACP if it runs Automation Runtime. If it’s simply set up as a PC, you won’t be able to connect via AS.

PLC runs AR when it’s set up so should be connectable.

Hmm okay, hard to tell. Far as i know that it runs some linux version and there you control machine with manufactures own desktop programs. I was just curious that is it possible to copy hardware for learning purposes and maybe for debugging. But i assume that the logic program is in the XC20 and not in APC? Could be just easier to ask program from the manufacturer.