mappView VNCViewer "Failed when connecting"

Hi everyone,

I set up a project for tests with mappView in AS 6.1. Most things work well, however with the VNCViewer widget I failed to establish a connection to a VNC server.

In the widget, there is a progress indicator and a message
Failed when connecting: Server could not be reached, please check the network configuration and the server status - Connection closed(code: 1000) - Reconnection after 10s

I got this for a matrix of test cases: with/without authentication, port 5900/5800 on the server, server running on a PC (where it is accessible from another PC) vs server running on the PLC itself (VC4, server IP In all these cases it was possible to connect to the server using a regular VNC client.

Anyone with ideas on this?

component versions:

  • Automation Runtime 6.1.1
  • mappView 6.1.1
  • Visual Components 6.0.0
  • OPC UA C/S 6.0.0

Thanks and best regards


Did you enable the TCP proxy ?
It’s hidden in the advanced parameters. See attached screenshot.

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Thanks for metioning the TCP proxy, I wasn’t aware of that. However, the behavior remains unchanged also with active TCP proxy. Tested with VC4 on PLC, using both and 192.168.x.y where I can access the VC4 from my desktop at 192.168.x.y:5900 with authentification.

My screenshot didn’t have a Role selected. But this is also mandatory.

Using the default “localhost” should work.

You did not directly mention it … but did you also configure the roles?
The VNC connection can only be established, if the currently logged in HMI user, has the configured role …

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Thanks for your patience.

I saw the roles field before but couldn’t select any. Apparently the system roles are not available for this. So after your replies I created a dedicated role and with this, it is possible to connect :slight_smile:

However, the behvaior still seems a bit odd. I am getting an empty/gray area in the widget most of the time, and only briefly there is a black area with a gray bar with a keyboard icon showing up at the top.

most of the time:


PS: regarding system roles, the behavior makes total sense given that

The associated permissions are defined by B&R and cannot be modified.

Could you check the logger if you see some errors related to VNC ?
Which browser are u using ?

Regarding browsers: Firefox + edge on Windows, and Chrome on Linux; same behavior with all of these.

Log after reboot, before logging into web UI:

Log after logging into web UI:

I think the OPC UA errors are not relevant here. When I open the page with the VNC widget there is no additional entry coming up in the logger.

I could reproduce your error with a new project. Only after deleting the “Temp” and “Binaries” it worked as expected.

If you want I could upload my mini project.

Cool! In simulation the “Clean Configuration…” resolved this also on my side :+1:.

Still, this does not seem to work when deploying to an APC 2200, unchanged behavior in that case. Did you check with hardware, Job?

If you share your minimal setup, I will test with this.

Just checked on real hardware to double check.

Attached is the sample (450.2 KB)

Tested with:

  • AR 6.2.1
  • mappView 6.1.1


  • AR 6.3.2
  • mappView 6.2.0
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OK, this is what I observed:

  • upgrade my project to AR 6.2.1: situation unchanged (working in simulation, not working with APC 2200)
  • use your project with hardware replaced to APC 2200: working in both simulation and hardware
  • (also with your project: connecting to a VNC server not on localhost is working)

So there seems to be something odd with my project. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time right now to look closer into this.

Anyways, thanks for your help @job.franken and @hobi, much appreciated! I will close this for now.