When I want to extend the 90-day trial version, I receive the following warnings.
Please try requesting a new evaluation license from the B&R website here.
Do you still receive this error after activating with a fresh evaluation license key?
In this case, try to delete your license key as manually and re licensing again with new key.
- deleting licensing in manually on CodeMeter
example as YouTube:
How to Delete and Import License Containers in CA Agile Requirements Designer
find the path of installed location of codemeter
–delete-cmact-license --serial “”
Command example if License is 128-15709463 :
–delete-cmact-license --serial 128-15709463
2.Run Automation Studio as admin right
3.Enter new license key
Hi @c277864, were you able to get past the licensing error?
I’m not completely sure, but the message sounds a bit like that the reason could be a cyber security topic described in the following Cyber Security Advisory published on the B&R website:
In that case I think you have to involve your local B&R sales or support contact to get more information how to proceed.
Best regards!
Hello Sir,
I have same problem do you can find solutions
Hello Murat @c277864,
please have a look at the answer of @patrick.tanner in that post: Licence cide - #3 by patrick.tanner
Best regards!
AS v4.7.7.74 installed also I have been updated Technology Guarding v1.5.1.3, then i got new key number but gives me below message
I tried again below introductions
Than problem is fixed. Thank you for support all…
I found the problems all version ofAS v4.x <= AS v4.2 always comes lisans error.
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A post was split to a new topic: Automation Studio - Troubleshooting Max License Activations